Web Sites: General
The Server
The starting point is your Computer. Most of the things that you can have on your computer (text documents, scanned images or drawings, logos, etc.) can be used in your website. It is just a matter of following the right steps!
You should store on your computer’s hard drive as much as possible of the information that you will put onto your web page. This will provide you with added security over your information as you transfer information onto your web page. The information that you transfer to the web page is held on a Server. This is a central computer bank which stores all website data.
The Web Address
When you register your website you will select a web address, e.g. “www.user.ie”.During website development, you will work with two longer addresses: one to access the administration area (www.user.ie/administrator) and one to see the results in your future website (www.user.ie/index.php). Data which will appear on the website is created or edited in the administrator page. It can be held there as “unpublished” until you want it to appear on the web page. Only once you “publish” and you “refresh” the web page will be visible on your website.
Once your website is launched www.user.ie/index.php will change to the “final” registered address www.user.ie (his is the web address that the general public will use to visit your website).
You will retain the address www.user.ie/administrator to enable you to make changes, adjustments and updates to the website. When the website is launched you will have your own User Name and Password which will allow you to control access to your web pages.
Administrator & Index.PHP
1.3.1 The administrator page is referred to as the “Back End”, ie the behind-the-scenes page where changes and edits are made.
1.3.2 The Index.php page is referred to as the “Front End”, ie the page that lets you see how your web page will appear when it is visited by the public.
1.3.3 The User Name and Password for these will be given to you by Catholic Ireland when the website has been registered and placed on our server, ready to be developed by our design team.
1.3.4 The Index.php address will be replaced by the website address that you select when your website is launched. This is the address that will then be used by viewers to visit your site.